lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Summer '12 so far

Hey Bloggers!!

Ya están aquí las vacaciones que tanto deseaba! Empecé por irme a Madrid una noche para ir al día siguiente a Suiza :) Me dio mucha pena irme de home pero las ganas de ir a viajar me apetecía aún más.

Llegué a Suiza y vi Elise que vino a recogerme. Pasamos el día allí de compras y luego fuimos a Annecy, los alpes de Francia donde vive ella y todos mis amigos.

Me quedaba una semana con ella y una semana en casa de Oscar, otro chico que conozco desde pequeña.

Todos (casi todos) los días íbamos en pequeños barcos a tomar el sol en el medio del Lago de Annecy y a hacer wake surf con solo chicos guapísimos y chicas de mi edad. De vez en cuando habían  fiestas de playa o pool parties.

Un día estaba algo de mal humor y triste, un poco sofocada y para colmo me perdí sola en la ciudad de Annecy mientras buscaba un bar donde quedé con amigas... Con el sol que había me levanté un poco las gafas y fruncí la frente para leer el nombre de la calle de donde estaba, con la cara un poco embobada escucho un silbido de alguien pero estaba rodeada me mucha gente y no estaba segura si era a mí así que miré a mi alrededor y veo un payaso en la calle, una persona normal pero disfrazada de payaso que me miraba intentando llamarme la atención, así que le miré y le dije "es a mí?" y me dice "sí :) Se le ha caído algo...", miro detrás mía y no veo nada, le vuelvo a mirar con la cara un poco cabreada por hacerme perder el tiempo y le digo "el qué? dónde?" y me responde "su sonrisa :) ", me hizo reír y me fui con la sonrisa más marcada en la cara... Aún así no encontré el bar hasta después de 20 min... Pero me alegró el día y me hizo olvidar las razones de mi cabreo...

Ahora estoy en París con my family con recuerdos inolvidables de Annecy...

Siempre dicen que hay esa típica canción que la escuchas y te recuerda a un momento o a una persona, yo ya tengo muchas pero estas dos me recuerdan a Annecy: Whistle - Flo Rida, Skinny Love - Birdy.

-Good Night Bloggers; Lou-

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

I want to fly
Can you take me far away
Give me a star to reach for
Tell me what it takes
And I’ll go so high
I’ll go so high
My feet won’t touch the ground
Stitch my wings
And pull the strings
I bought these dreams
That all fall down
This summer I just want to let it all go.

Tonight we are YOUNG
so let's set the world on fire;
we can burn brighter 
than the sun.

It's not that I hate you,
but if you were on fire
and I had water:
I'd drink it.



Hey Bloggers!

Only 4 more days of school! Wee! We can do this!

The 22 is the best day of the year... The first day of SUMMER! I can't wait, and on Saturday 23rd, there is the Bomb Fire at the beach, like every year, SAN JUAN! They burn a huge thing, last year they burned a boat, and this year I'm going to burn my class books! And it's the party where everyone get's drunk and where you loosing up all the bull shit you've been stuck for the past 9 months. I know, it sounds a bit off, but it's awesome!


viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Surf's Up!


He encontrado la motivación para surfear después de tantas películas: Blue Crush, Soul Surfer, etc.

Me muero de ganas de poder meterme en un tubo y hacer de todo! Encima casi todos mis amigos ya lo hacen! Me chiflan, me he metido con la tabla de pequeña a veces, aprendí en Fuerteventura en 2007 por allí... Pero al volver a estas olas choppy se me quitaron las ganas... La semana pasada cogí unas 30 olas, de las 30, me caí 10 veces, 1-2 veces la cogí de lado y las demás eran en espuma... Pero allí está la progresión, y para seguir adelante ya tengo la motivación.. Solo me falta la práctica! Yey.

Con ganas de más olitas buenas por la costa del Sur,
-Lou Mey, Vintage On Wheels-

Cuenta Atrás

Ya viernes! WOW! Finally!
¿La mejor parte? Solo quedan 10 días de INSTITUTO para que este horror acabe por fin!

¿Qué tal os van las notas?

Yo tengo tantas ganas de que termine esto YA e irme de Vacaciones!!

Ya solo faltan algunos exámenes y Fin!

Good Luck a todos
-Lou, Coucou Mon Amour-

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

Free Mind

Take a second and look at your seat, 
there is no one like me, 
you better reconsider coz you won't find better for you than me.. 


Only the stupid is truly intelligent. 



(Supernatural isn't it?)

It's called "maturity" and it defines it self 
as "boring".

Free your mind.

050512 Bib's&Lou's

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

New Computer

My MacBook Pro broke so my assurance got me a new one! 

Contact me: 
Twitter: @lunabakker / @coucoumonamour
Tuenti: Coucou Mon Amour 


Hey there Bloggers!

Ya va tiempo que no escribo, pero he estado haciendo muchas cosas :)
Primero y ante todo, he recibido una beca para ir con mi clase a los PIRINEOS. Hemos ido a HUESCA, a una organización de Pueblos Abandonados para construir muros, ver como vivía la gente allí, aprender nuevas cosas sobre nuestro querido país, España.

Hemos ido 25 de mi instituto y otros 25 de un instituto en Extremadura.
Ha sido una experiencia muy divertida sobre todo porque teníamos que dormir en cuartos de diez: 5 que conocía, y 5 chicas de otro instituto que no conocía. Conviví con gente durante una semana que no conocía de nada pero que finalmente resultaron ser chicas de lo más divertidas!!

Han sido 17h de Bus para ir e igual para volver, pero ha merecido la pena.

-Bisous, Lou. 

martes, 3 de abril de 2012


Hey Bloggers!

How did your grades go? Finally Easter VACATION (and now it's when I finally get a piece of time for my blog)!!
My grades where good... Not my best, but definitely better than last trimestre :)

This easter it's kinda rainy. . .Nothing real interesting to do, a part of testing my NEW MACBOOK PRO 13-INCH, hihi. The other one died (1min of silence -.- to my computers honor).

This Easter I'm: tidying up my room more often (because I really don't have anything better to do), running in the rain, stalking people on facebook, looking up old conversations I used to have on my phone or on facebook and being so ashamed of what I used to say and talk about, I'm dreaming on very often, sleeping, eating, sleeping....eating.

I really feel like going to MOROCCO... I'm only at 14km from it so .. why not?

That's pretty much it. . . For today.

Sentence of the week:
" -Boy: Do me a blowjob. -Girl: Couldn't you be more romantic? -Boy: Give me a blowjob...In the rain."


domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012


Heya Bloggers!

Only a month and a half till school ends! This had been the fastest 9 month EVER (so far)!
I can't believe I (almost) MADE IT!

I can't wait for summer! When every day is like a weekend; when you to the beach and come back at night because you had too much fun! When you go out EVERY night; When you wear the same thing you were wearing all day to go out; When you EAT as much as you want; When it's sunny; etc, etc, etc.

Here in the South of Spain, usually in August, there is always 2 days of rain OUT of nowhere, and I LOVE IT, and even though it's raining everyone goes to the beach!

And when your getting to September and there are the SALE on every shop and even though it's the end of summer you buy 10 new bikinis, skirt's, dresses and shorts just because they cost half of the price they did before!

That feeling when you ACTUALLY want to start school again (as if.), and see all your friends you haven't seen in 2 months!

That boy you didn't kiss but you say you did to all of your friends just because they weren't there to prove you wrong (I never did that yet)!

When you miss those friends you've met on the beach just like that and that you will never forget those moment with them!





Everything we could say we once were, were not anymore.

We used to say we were best friends, we used to say this relation ship was going to last forever, we used to say we were going to be always there for each other, but we never thought that maybe, something would change it all.
I'm sure of what happened, but one day you took it all on me. I sed sorry, even though it wasn't my fault... A few days later, YOU sed sorry, and I took it all out on you. We stopped talking to each other...
I realized already since a few weeks this was coming to its end... You treated me like if you were superior, who did you think you were? To talk to me like that? To treat me like that?
The simple fact that you simply liked to USE me, was just enough to know that this was going down.

I realized something; A quote a lot of people use, but I never saw the truth in it, "When people try to take you down, It's only because your above them".

Well my friends, use that as an advice: We always think that in our mind, we can always be the king, but out in true life, we're just the servent of everyone. No. That's not like that. We're strong, we're KINGS/QUEENS, and we RULE in out super life's. Ok?


Under Water

We all live in a bubble, we're scared of the exterior, and never want to show what we're made of in the interior. When we do, other's "bubble up" and don't trust us, so we bubble back in. We hide from difference, we don't accept changes, and we never let strangers in our bubble. And for more effort when you say your not like that, you are. Think of all the times you've been kept out of an other persons bubble, and how many times you led people out of yours.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012


I've discovered a new power that I'm not allowed to use.

When I was a kid, I always used to be underestimated. People always laughed to me because of my teeth, my clothes, my way of talking, my character, etc. My mom always said it was because others were jealous of me..Doesn't every mother say that? Some boys even invented the imaginary "Spray Anti Luna" and used to do like if I was a disease.
People never took me seriously, they never believed I was strong enough to defend my self, but what did they want me to prove? Should I kik someone to show them I'm strong? That wasn't like me. I ignored them until everything passed, but people really didn't have anything else to do then get with me and spoil my age of innocence.
When I grew up a few years older (only a few), people started showing me more respect; they were paying more attention to me.

Even though people still talk bad of me it's because I've got a bad reputation; for no reason. Simply the fact that I don't do the same things as them, I don't have the same teeth as them, I don't dress the same way as them and my character is over a 99% more real then theirs: I have a "reputation".
Sometimes I feel like going up to people and say:
-Hey, do I know you?
-So why do you talk so much about me thinking you know everything about me?
-Hi, are you alive?
-Yes! Why?
-Because it really looks like you don't have a life.

Now people know who I am, my name...But not my story.

They judge me without knowing me. And that makes me sick. But they think I don't know, and that's because I don't pay attention to their words. They don't hurt me. Because what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

I guess I'm used to be underestimated so I didn't realize how much affect I had on people. But I just realized that after all: They really don't have anything better to do. And yes: They are jealous.. Because they don't have what I have.. A LIFE.

-Good Night Bloggers; Lou ♥-

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Today, once again.

Hey Bloggers!

My day got much better after I wrote that. The key? Breath in and out (that never actually worked with me, I simply took a cushion and screamed as hard as I could and then realize how dum I would look while I was doing that).

Today I had two exams: a Biologie test I was supposed to do weeks ago and a Sports exam (skipping). I only know by now that I have a 9 in my skipping exam (and I've got stiffness in my legs soo bad). I could have had a 10, but that was if I did the duble-jump, but I didn't...

I'm not in a such good mood anyway, because of a lot of things. A few days ago I wrote on my status "R u f*cking kidding me?", someone asked me why? And I sed that I just liked the way it sounded and that I wrote it for no reason, and it was true; but today, I have more than 10 reasons to say "R u f*cking kidding me?" on my status.

Even thought, in conclusion: I'm happy :)

-Good Night lovers, Lou ♥-

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012


Hey Bloggers!

I'm Sick of saying that I'm okey when really, I'm not.
I hate school (eve thought I just had a 9'2710 in English); I'm sick of some my friends: it's like if everyone around me is programed to make me go mad; my mom keeps on doing everything for my brother without thinking of me: I finally get a good table where the wifi is close and I can do my homework peacefully and while I'm at school my brother get's installed in my office with my desk (he goes to school on internet). ARHGT! I'm so angry!

How come I live surrounded by only egoist people?

I wish I could stop pretending to be okey and just go wild and tell everyone what I think! But I guess I'm just too nice to do that, aren't I?

-Have a better day than I have had so far people, Lou ♥

martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Gossip Girl

Hey Bloggers!

I was just watching gossip girl, epic new scenes;
I wouldn't want to spoil your pleasure of watching it but may I say the news about William (Serina and Erics father) is actually ALSO Lolas father (Serinas cousin, Charlie Rodes).
Almost all of CC's wishes after her death is leaving everything she has to Ivy, even though she knows Ivy isn't who she said she was, including Lily's and Rufus pent house.

What will happen next? xoxo, Gossip Girl
No, seriously it's kinda epic.
-Have fun watching it, Lou ♥-

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

Elise Varrey

Today, right now, at midnight, 28 of February 2012, is the 15th birthday of my beloved and incredible friend, ELISE VARREY!

She lives in France so I guess I wont be able to go to her birthday but I wish her THE BEST! I can't wait to see her if she comes in a month to see me here in the South. I miss her so bad, I hope she sees this post.


-Happy Birthday; Lou. ♥-

No School

Hey Bloggers!

I'm so excited, I've got no school for the next four days. I REALLY needed a break, school was getting on my nervs, as it does to everyone .

I'm on a very good mood, so much that I'm still in bead and I don't minde (I usually hate being this late in bed still).

Yesterday I went running from El Puerto to La Charka and back, it wasn't easy but I'm proud of my self, I crossed my Sports teacher (YES!), and I hope he realize that I DO do sports out of school and puts me a 10/10 in the next evaluation, hihi.

The only bad thing of not having school for so long is tat I'll have to do a lot of homework, so that's what I'm going to do right now after finishing this post.

I just changed my Playlist btw, I hope you enjoy my new songs, my new mood...

-Kisses&Hugs, Lou ♥-

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012


Hey Bloggers!

Yesterday Saturday, 25th February, I went with my friends @ Punta Paloma for a long boarding session. It was awesome! I had so much fun!

We got there at 13:30h and started skating on it's long roads next to the dunes. Amazing weather, no wind, amazing friends, what else? We skated on and off, and made a lot of pictures. A typical "Girlz" day, totally A5. We had a lot of fun, we ate, red Cosmo, Vogue, laughed, gossiped, etc. When I got home I was DEAD from skating, I didn't fell this time, lucky me, only Bea fell once, but that's all.

I hope to be soon back on my board in Punta Paloma, and maybe next time i'll also take my surf board because there are great waves over there too.

-Good Night, Lou -